Serving residents in the following zip codes: 20903, 20904, 20905, 20866, and 20868.


EMEAN works to prevent homelessness. We provide financial assistance for families and individuals facing evictions and utility disconnections. We also provide financial assistance for prescription medications.

 The people of EMEAN are…

…a family contending with a loss of income and cost of living increases, causing them to be facing eviction.

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… a single mother of two fighting to keep her family together and the lights on.

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…a single father struggling to make ends meet while recovering from the financial trauma of a divorce.

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…an elderly couple living in the same apartment for years, dealing with rent, utility, and prescription price increases, causing them to be delinquent in payments.


Feel free to contact us with any questions by calling the telephone number below, or submitting the contact form to the right.


Phone and Fax